Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I stake DOT inside the snap?
You can perform any action that a DOT token holder can do with your PolkaGate Snap. However, to achieve this, youโll need to utilize dApps. For instance, you can connect your PolkaGate Snap to Polkagate apps (available at apps.polkagate.xyz) or Polkadot Staking Dashboard (available at staking.polkadot.cloud) and stake your DOT or Kusama tokens.
- is PolkaGate Snap secure?
We take security seriously. PolkaGate Snap adheres to best practices and is an open-source software audited by Sayfer. Their security audit report is available here.
- Where can I ask my other questions?
We are always available to support our users. You can ask your questions on our social media platforms, which are available below:
Element: https://matrix.to/#/#polkagate:matrix.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/fyrZdnkz
Last updated